Experience The Beauty of The Sahara

Never too late for a timeless experience in the magical south of Morocco.

Creating activities for a better travel experience.

꧁༺What about a fresh baked bread in the sands?

꧁༺What about greeting the mornings in the top of the Sahara dunes?

꧁༺What about a camel ride during sunset?

꧁༺What about visiting a traditionele Hammam or Souk (market)?

꧁༺How about getting all those activities in one beatifull experience?

Sand Bread

After a nice day you end up in your camp with a big fire, you join your host in making a fresh baked bread in the hot sand.

Greeting the Mornings

After a night in the desert you woke up with the camels,you climb a top of a dune and wait there with a hot tea in your hands while the sun is rising.

Camel Ride

You have the opportunity to experience the dunes on the back of a Camel. We organise a 1 hour sunset or sunrise walk in the middle of the dunes.

Practical information

Visiting Hammam

Experiense the real traditionel Hammam.

Visiting the local market

We pay a visit to the local market and shop products for the Hammam. We can also buy some big juicy oranges for after bathing.

Trecking and Tours

If Marrakesh your first stop dont make it the last. We orgonize tours starting from Marrakesh, Ouarzazate or Tagounite to the desert,

Sand Bread

After a nice day you end up in your camp with a big fire, you join your host in making a fresh baked bread in the hot sand.

Greeting the Mornings

After a nice day you end up in your camp with a big fire, you join your host in making a fresh baked bread in the hot sand.

Camel Ride

You have the opportunity to experience the dunes on the back of a Camel. We organise a 1 hour sunset or sunrise walk in the middle of the dunes.

“Études has saved us thousands of hours of work and has unlocked insights we never thought possible.”

Annie Steiner

CEO, Greenprint

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